CIV Milano




Knowledge is the foundation of a great insight.
We bring insight to your business based on unparalleled access to private banks, family
offices, private investment managers and global thought leaders in the wealth market.

Seek Products, client research, advisor research, market mapping, Company/Intermediary research, Brand identity audit.


Turning great insights into valuable ideas.
The next generation of the HNW individuals (i.e. High Net Worth Individuals) are searching for big ideas. They're surrounded by creative brands and fresh thinking and are increasingly demanding the same from their wealth management suppliers.
We turn the insights we've gathered into strategic hypotheses and ideas for product and service development. We advise with senior management and orchestrate strategic thinking.

We test concepts and create end-to-end strategic plans that capture the imagination of stakeholders & the approval of the board.

Think Products, product/service development, Business Case development, concept solutions, M&A strategic diligence, Brand identity development.


Preparing valuable ideas for market entry.
Great ideas don't happen by accident; they require detailed planning and preparation to enter the market with the success they deserve.

Each of these disciplines is designed to offer an operational tool for leaders to allocate strategies, plan and govern growth.

We are specialized in bringing the high-net-worth (HNW) and ultra high-net-worth (UHNW) clients to have the insights enabling the activation of choices.


Giving large wealth owners the products and services they desire.
Great insights, innovative ideas and the best plans are worthless until they're implemented.
We provide the necessary guidance to the practical process of making things happen. We work
alongside the chief decision makers in your organisation and in conjunction with our
network of specialist partner agencies, to transform plans into action.

Recreate Products, Change Management, Strategic marketing, M&A Implementation,
Specialist consulting.

cartone di raffaello

The Cartoon of Raffaello

Raffaello Sanzio, painter and architect (Urbino 1483 – Rome 1520), is one of the most influential masters in the history of art. His myth reached the most important artistic avant-garde of the twentieth century.

The School of Athens (1509-1511) is a fresco by Raffaello and is one of the most important pictorial masterpieces in the Vatican Museums. The fresco focuses on the theme of rational research and offers a representation of the seven liberal arts: grammar, arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy, rhetoric and dialectic. The most distinguished philosophers and mathematicians of ancient times are represented in the fresco.

The Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan preserves one of the most prestigious cartoons of the Renaissance, the one of the School of Athens. It is the preparatory drawing, life-sized, of the main portion of the large fresco illustrating the wall of the “Stanza della Segnatura” frescoed by Raffaello between 1509 and 1511 in the Vatican Palaces at the behest of Pope Julius II Della Rovere.

Paper has always been considered in art as the genesis of the artist’s idea: the genius flash, the primordial idea uncontaminated by other techniques; the creative birth and the unmistakable trait.

The term ‘cartoon’ indicates a drawing traced on a paper support, usually in black and white, of variable dimensions but always on a scale of 1:1 with respect to the final work. It is therefore not a sketch or a simple drawing, but a real working tool from which the painting is developed.

The experience of CIV takes inspiration from the experience of the artist who creates the preparatory cartoon. A long, detailed and demanding work process that leads to the creation of an artwork is as important to us as the work itself.